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Senior Center Board Minutes 01/22/2018
Lymes’ Senior Center Board of Directors Meeting

January 22, 2018

PRESENT:  Sue Campbell,  Diana Seckla, Jeri Baker, Gary Weed,  Kathy Lockwood, Stephanie Lyon-Gould, Dot McAndrew, Doris Hungerford, Ann Griffith, Doris Johnson, Don Abraham,   Johnny Cody, Joni Bonvicin

CALL TO ORDER:  Jeri Baker at 1:00

SECRETARY’S REPORT:   A motion to accept December 2017 minutes was called for by Diana Seckla and Joni Bonvicin  seconded.  Unanimous approval.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Doris Hungerford - Tabled until next month.

COMMUNICATIONS:  Jeri Baker - Read the thank you note from Diane Blackwell for her retirement gift.  


        Director’s Notes:  Stephanie Lyon-Gould.  Thank you to the board members for “stepping up” while she was on a leave of absence.

        Building Use:  Gary Weed - The fire extinguishers have checked out to be fine.  A transit bus hit the carport and the repairs have been completed.

        Special Events:   Stephanie Lyon-Gould - We are still working on the Concerts.

        Policy:  Jeri Baker - Distributed the Membership Policy, First Reading to the board members to review at home and be prepared to discuss at the next meeting.


        The Future of the Center:  Jeri Baker - Johnny Cody - Kathy Lockwood  - Presented discussion concerning the rapid growth of the Senior Center and the needs for future expansion especially in the fitness and art areas.  If the age limit is lowered to 55 there will be even greater need for additional space and programs.  
Diane Blackwell, Friends of the Senior Center, expressed the need for increased space for the facility.  The “Friends” raise money to support and increase activities and to keep the membership affordable for all seniors.
Bonnie Reemsnyder - Expressed her support for the center and its vibrant growth.  She indicated the towns are losing funding from the state and suggested the “Friends” look to outside sources for funding capital improvement.
Steven Mattson - emphasized the need for advance planning for future needs, suggested appealing to private donors for contributions and increased fees for non residents.

        Proposed Constitution/Bylaw amendments:  Jeri Baker - The motion to accept was presented by Sue Campbell and seconded by Gary Weed.  Unanimous approval.


        Establish new committees in accordance with bylaws:  Jeri Baker - New committees can be formed to address specific needs as they arise.  

        Recognition of member who has stepped down:  Jeri Baker - Doris Hungerford put forth a motion to give Ruth Young a $50.00 gift certificate.  Gary Weed seconded.  Unanimous approval.

        Other New Business:  Jeri Baker - Presented the need for a member to sign off on documents if the treasurer is unavailable.

ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 1:55.  Gary Weed moved to adjourn.  Johnny Cody seconded.

NEXT MEETING:  February 26, 2018

Respectfully submitted,

Paula Emery
Recording Secretary